Flat Roofs

Freeman Roofing Canada brings you the absolute best in South Florida flat roofing. We stand by you on every part of the process making sure, you get the best materials, service, and follow up. We stand by our work and our service, and that goes the same for our flat roofing services.

We also do a new flat roof cost analysis for your current, and future roof needs, and set up a yearly plan to help get the most life out of your new flat roof. We offer 2 options for all out new flat roofs.

Whether you need a flat roof for a small retain strip center or your needs are a little more industrial requiring a robust and rust resistant industrial roofing systems. We at AN.J Roofing Company have got you covered. Literally.

Flat Roof Materials

A flat roof is any roof that has a slope or pitch under 20 degrees, and is a bit different when it comes to how it is handled. The materials and process of installation is designed for a slower run off of water. This means typically the roof uses materials that provide a water proof membrane keeping water from seeping into the structure. Flat roofs will often have a slight slant that leads water to gutters that then moves any water to the ground. This makes keeping your gutters clear and working a high priority. Flat roofs are prevalent in South Florida area, and have no issues when handled correctly. If you have any questions or concerns about your flat roof give us a call today.

If you are looking for Shingles Roofs, please call us at 647-928-5208 to speak to a Customer Service Representative.